Morning Coffee With… Master Perfumer, Roja Dove

  |   30-11-2016


Roja Dove, Master Perfumer. British living in the UK.


What’s your morning routine before work?

Simple, I have a pot of tea; it’s a slow start to the day. I’m either in London or Brighton. I drink Fortnum & Mason Rose Pouchong Tea and watch BBC Breakfast News.

How do you decide what to wear in the morning?

Totally intuitively. I will have a feeling for something and my arm will move to that part of the wardrobe!

Three items you can’t live without?

Fortnum & Mason’s Rose Pouchong Tea, my iPad and a very special diamond ring that I wear all the time.

Favourite place you like to go to in London?

The Wolseley in London.

What did you do last night?

I had a sauna, a massage then dinner.

Complete the sentence: My perfect holiday would be…

Looking at the Mediterranean Sea from up high. I find it very relaxing looking down at water.

What book are you reading at the moment?

The Mapp And Lucia Collection by E.F.Benson.

Tell us a fact about you that nobody knows.

I have about 140 Hermès scarves. Whenever I go to an Hermès shop I find the colours irresistible, but I hardly ever use them.

Your favourite designer at the moment?

Dolce & Gabbana.

Your current style inspiration?

My style! In every era of my life, it is totally intuitive.

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?

My best friend Roger who I only see twice a year, because he lives in New York.

Three things you hate?

Rudeness, injustice and vulgarity.

What’s your personal motto?

I often say: “Please don’t take me seriously because I don’t.”

How do you want the world to remember you?

As someone who was very being kind.