The Kim Kardashian Traptox Trend Which Promises A More Defined Slimmer Silhouette

Emma Hodgson   |   14-08-2023

Kim Kardashian is known for starting a trend or two, most recently she has helped to popularise the injectable Traptox. 

The phrase is short for “trapezius botox”, a technique which uses Botox (or similar injectables such as Dysport and Jeuveau) to relax the trapezius muscle found in the neck. 

The treatment is used to create a slimming effect in the neck, shoulders and jawline as well as a more defined appearance. Even better, the treatment can also help ease neck pain.

The area – due to the prevalence of computer work desk culture, time spent looking down at our phones and other modern lifestyle reasons – can cause the muscles in the area to be tense, causing the neck to look shorter, shoulders rounded and also cause significant physical pain in some people. 

Like traditional Botox, the treatment tends to last a maximum of six months. As with all aesthetic treatments, be sure to consult a medical professional and only visit a licensed practitioner.

Image credit: Kim Kardashian/Instagram; Klara Kulikova/Unsplash