Morning Coffee With… Lama Karam

  |   09-11-2016

Luxury PR & Communication specialist, Lebanese living in Dubai.


What’s your morning routine before work?

During weekdays, it starts with a 10 minute meditation followed by an enjoyable breakfast; both key beneficial moments that positively charge me up for the day to come.

How do you decide what to wear in the morning?

It really depends on my mood and the schedule of my day. Seeing the nature of our work, I usually end up in a trendy chic outfit with as much comfort as possible.  On days off, I am regularly in a street style look that involves denim, tees and sneakers.

Three items you can’t live without?

Coffee, sunscreen and my iPhone.

Favourite place you like to go to in Beirut and Dubai?

In Beirut my all-time favourites are Centrale, Pacifico and Capitole. These trademarks have an extreme charm of their own and never go out of style. In Dubai, I’m a big fan of small cafes in Jumeirah for a lazy and long breakfast. For an evening out, I usually opt for Little Black Door, Zuma and Coya.

What did you do last night?

I did my first headstand at my yoga class then I spoke with my family, both in Beirut and London, before I went to sleep.

Complete the sentence: My perfect holiday would be…

On the Mediterranean coast during summer enjoying the fresh sea breeze, sipping wine and having tasty local food. During winter I would definitely opt for a ski getaway in the Swiss mountains.

What book are you reading at the moment?

‘How to win friends and influence people,’ by Dale Carnegie.

Tell us a fact about you that nobody knows.

I like to be mentally challenged so I am always on the lookout for the next project. In the last few months, I have been focused on Middle Eastern art  and design scene.

Your favourite designer at the moment?

I’m not designer oriented. I usually get my inspiration from people around me and during my travels. My closet is a controversial mix of designers and styles.    

Your current style inspiration?

Blake Lively and her outfits, lifestyle and goofy way of being. There is nothing I do not relate to in her. I’m a big fan!

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?

An extremely talented and funny chef. Nothing can beat good food and great company. I will add the word ‘handsome’ chef to that as well!

Three things you hate?

Superficiality, nagging and camping.

What’s your personal motto?

It has always been “vouloir c’est pouvoir,” which translates to when there is a will there is always a way. And never take yourself or life too seriously.

How do you want the world to remember you?

As a passionate, loving and supportive person who always brings positivity and joy around her.