Morning coffee With… Donna Hourani

  |   13-11-2016

Fine Jewellery Designer, Lebanese living in Dubai.


What’s your morning routine before work?

I wake up with the kids, get them ready and drop them off at nursery. From there, I go straight to the workshop and start working at 9 a.m..

How do you decide what to wear in the morning?

I almost never plan what to wear in the morning. Everything I own in my closet is comfortable and (I think) quite stylish. I could wear something as simple as a white tee tucked into high waist blue jeans, with a trendy pair of print shoes, gemstone rings and earrings from my own collection.

Three items you can’t live without?

Denim jeans, YSL mascara and my dew on tendril coil earring.

Favourite place you like to go to in Dubai?

In Dubai, walks on JBR beach with my family. In Beirut, tango dancing with my friends.

What did you do last night?

Like most nights: dinner at home with my hubby after the kids go to bed, cozying up on the couch in front of the TV before bedtime. 

Complete the sentence: My perfect holiday would be… 

In Buenos Aires going to ‘Milongas’ (tango nights) every night. I did this for six months straight, before getting married and would love to go again with my husband one day.

What book are you reading at the moment?

I’m not much of a book reader, but I am interested in child psychology. At the moment, I’m reading Building Resilence in Children and Teens: Giving Kids Roots and Wings by Kenneth R. Ginsburg. I think it’s extremely important for us as parents to educate ourselves on raising healthy minded children.

Tell us a fact about you that nobody knows.

I am constantly anxious and terrified of losing the good things in my life. 

Your favourite designer at the moment?

I have a favourite brand called Crea Concept.

Your current style inspiration?

For years, my current style has always been the same: timeless and sometimes trendy. At the moment, I’m inspired by the ’70s, earthy and amber autumn colours.  I’m currently using earthy coloured tourmaline gemstones in my pieces.

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?

A pilot with a plane. 

Three things you hate?

I don’t hate anything or anyone. I just can’t tolerate violence, judgmental people and impoliteness. 

What’s your personal motto?

Always be nice. It is often mistaken for weakness by the weak and recognised as a powerful trait by the strong. 

How do you want the world to remember you?

As a genuine person who was always true to myself. I don’t set high expectations of myself like changing the world of fashion or saving our planet. I’m pretty much satisfied with doing simple small acts of kindness everyday.