Benefit Cosmetics Launches “Your Spark” Campaign To Empower Arab Girls

Emma Hodgson   |   17-07-2023

Benefit has announced a brand new social media campaign which it plans to launch to its 4.25 million followers across TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. 

Called “You Spark” the new campaign is aimed at empowering young girls and women in the region. The project will see Benefit Cosmetics work with inspirational creators, industry experts and local artists. 

According to the beauty powerhouse, Your Spark” project will revolve around three central themes:

  1. Unfiltered Self-Love: Encouraging Arab women to celebrate their unique beauty, emancipate from societal pressures, and make self-care a priority.
  2. Body & Skin Positivity: Shattering unrealistic beauty standards and advocating acceptance of all body types and skin conditions.
  3. Normalizing Female Body Conversations: Establishing an open, shame-free platform to discuss menstruation and the female reproductive system to raise awareness.

Discussing the new launch, artist Nourane Owais, who will work with Benefit on the campaign said: “As an illustrator and content creator, I am always eager to utilize my art to deliver meaningful and empowering messages whenever the opportunity arises. When Benefit shared with me the key messages of Your Spark, I immediately felt a personal connection. “Body & Skin Positivity,” “Self-love,” and “Normalizing Female Body Conversations” are all sensitive subjects that resonate with me, as they touch upon insecurities that most, if not all of us, experience at some level. I sincerely hope that the Spark project reaches and resonates with as many girls and women as it did with me.”

Nourane Owais

Adra, an artist and content creator (@dear.nostalgia) who will also be working on the campaign added: “I’m deeply passionate about empowering Arab women to break stigmas, embrace their power, and amplify their voices. Telling these stories for women, by women, is especially important in our region. Translating them visually and using our mother tongue holds immense power to make a lasting impact, particularly in our digitally interconnected society. Visual storytelling bridges gaps and communicates universal emotions, allowing women to connect on a profound, collective level.”