Prada’s show has always been Milan’s most anticipated fashion show. The show begins with Missy Elliot’s “Remix” track playing, displaying straight on the runway heavy embroidery on corduroy suits, wool skirts, Baker boy hats and crochet scarves.
Now lets talk about that spectacular set of a teenage girl’s bedroom, filled with posters all taped to the walls advertising for the upcoming Fall collection. Unlike any other show, the audience watched the collection as it pranced down the runway sitting on benches and beds.
Miuccia Prada continues on with the ’70s inspired look, featuring flared dresses and extravagant feather hoods. What really stood out were the ostrich-feather trimmings on the hemlines, the swoosh of the crystal-fringing on dresses and the furry footwear. In the middle of the show, few looks featured illustrations of glam women by Robert E. McGinnis- a famous poster-art painter.
All in all, this break-taking collection takes us down memory lane to Prada’s ultimate passion for graphic prints and layering discordant pieces.