Top 5 Health Benefits Of Tumeric

Amy Louise   |   29-06-2016

different types of turmeric barks

Tumeric, otherwise known as ‘India’s saffron’ has been used in Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian cooking and medicine for thousands of years. Tumeric comes from the root of the Curcuma Longa plant and is part of the ginger root family. Recently, Western medical practitioners have officially recognised the broad health benefits of tumeric. We have listed the top 5 health benefits provided by this superfood and how you can utilise it effectively.

Top 5 Health Benefits

1. Powerful antioxidant – Tumeric contains a potent supply of antioxidants which help to protect the body from cancer causing free radicals. Early studies have indicated that curcumin , which is a main component in tumeric may help prevent or treat several types of cancer including prostate, skin and colon.

2. Aid’s heartburn and indigestion – Tumeric is known to to fight inflammation which can help curb digestive conditions such IBS and heartburn. Tumeric is also proved to cause the gall bladder to stimulate bile production which can further aid digestion.

3. Helps prevent heart disease and heart attacks – A study has proven that curcumin has the ability to prevent heart attacks amongst bypass patients. It is also suggested that curcumin may help prevent the build up of plaque that can clog arteries which leads to heart conditions and strokes.

4. Delay Diabetes – A study discovered that curcumin is 400 times more potent than metformin (a common diabetes drug) in activating AMPK which improves insulin sensitivity, which in turn can help reverse type 2 diabetes. It is also suggested that an intake of tumeric can help reverse the issues pertaining to insulin resistance and hyperglycemia.

5. Helps reduce joint pain – Those suffering from arthritis or joint pain can take advantage of tumeric’s anti-inflammatory powers. A study showed that tumeric extract supplements worked just as well as ibuprofen in patients suffering with knee osteoarthritis.

5 ways to incorporate tumeric into your diet

1 Tumeric smoothie

2 Tumeric mash potato, rice or quinoa

3 Tumeric Mustard

4 Tumeric capsules

5 Tumeric tea

By Amy Louise